The thoughts of my spirit

He has not given me the spirit of fear but of POWER, Love and of Sound Mind! And when I allow the spirit of fear to rule over me, I freeze the power, the love and sound mind. Fear is the weapon from the enemy that deludes your mind into believing something else has power over you. We are the owners of power and we choose who we want to give it to or if we want to give it to anyone at all. Nothing has the authority to have power over you unless you allow it. Without the knowledge of the truth, God’s people perish.
Life can turn so side ways, Confusion of what life really means kicks in. People may do you wrong that you find yourself isolated from anyone that tries getting your heart. Avoiding love because it just hurts. Creating boundaries to kick people out, not to preserve the relationships. Fear. You fear pain.
Who ever lied and said, to love means no pain? Loving is enduring the pain, the hurt and having the strength to still love the same without the need to reduce your primary release of love. Fear reduces your tolerance in loving a person because you believe that's the way to avoid pain.
I love returning to the true example and definition of love itself… Jesus. He loved so much, He was willing to die for the same people that persecuted Him. He was willing to die for people that may never accept Him anyway. He became so vulnerable to be our strength. He could’ve told the Father ‘I am not dying for these people that cannot even acknowledge who I am!’
Notice He didn't care about His image? We have become so deluded we seek for power in fame. We want people to know who we are SO much that our approval is dependent on the thoughts of man. “Maybe if I wear something real tight, the guys will find me attractive”, “I can’t defend that girl! They will bully me too”, “I mean, I am a Christian but it’s okay to have a little bit of fun”
Compromise is fear’s best friend.
Fear of man… Mortal man. What can MORTAL man do to me, if my Great God is for me? We have become so gripped by the fear of man that we fail to fulfil the simple tasks of God’s pure goodness, but rather leave in pain towards ourselves or people around us. Compromising is a fruit of fear that silences the power to do of God because what man thinks is much more important. Because we want them to know we are cool, sexy, ‘normal’. How can such Royalty of Heaven want to fit in so much they are willing to lose their crown.
You have misplaced your values.
You would rather walk like a peasant than walk in royalty?
Mind blowing.
It blows my mind to see that people are willing to hide the truth they believe in just for the sake of image. Don’t you realise you were created in the image of an Almighty, Powerful, Beautiful God? What other image are you trying to create? The false image of perfection that leaves you still UNSATISFIED? God does not need to be praised nor does He need to change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever more. That means He has no desire of fitting in with other ‘gods’ because He was never insecure. Why are you insecure? Why do you compare yourself to other people when you’re an original. The more you chase after other images, the more you diverge from the satisfying image of God.
His image is our mirror that reflects our beauty. When you look away you focus on things that don’t represent you. You lose yourself trying to find self from the things that did not create you.
The thoughts run wild in disturbance. But I will continue fighting the flesh until it is completely dead. I will continue pushing through until God does not only live inside of me but lives AS me.
I love you Jesus.