You are a god
Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Sanctify - To set apart or Declare Holy
In the beginning of time, when God made us, he said “Let us make man in our own image”, so his own likeness. God’s holiness is non comparable to no other and we were created to resemble that holiness. We were declared holy in the beginning before being formed in the womb.
Our natural state is to be holy and walk in holiness with God. When we fail to walk in this purity of the Spirit we become abnormal in the eyes of God and that causes discomfort to Him. When we live our lives we need to constantly remember our “natural states” of God’s holiness. By this, we are able to fulfil the purposes God had ordained us to perform. Our purposes are linked to our sanctified selves.
Jeremiah 2:5 This is what the Lord says:
“What did your ancestors find wrong with me
that led them to stray so far from me?
They worshiped worthless idols,
only to become worthless themselves.
What you worship is what you become. God wants us to worship him because he is GOOD, and he desires us to have the characteristics that he is. To worship God means we become more like God. We are his children and the best thing that a parent wants is for a child to resemble their positive characteristics. As God has no flaw, no wickedness, 100% pure and holy, he desires us to resemble those characteristics. Why God is a jealous God is because he doesn’t like watching us not reach our full potentials nor does he like watching us destroy ourselves by the gods we may be worshipping. ^ “They worshipped worthless idols, only to become worthless”. We tend to really underestimate God’s thoughts, plans and love for us. A lot of people result in believing that there’s too much of requirements in serving God, not realising that in everything God wants us to do, it is to grow us, to strengthen us to be more like Himself. We are gods because you produce what you are and that’s what God did. Therefore, when we don’t act like him, we fail to act like our beings as gods.
Above all… There are many potential gods in our lives that we need to re-check for they can result in worthlessness. For our benefit, we should aim to reveal these gods and their influence. Some people’s gods are other people which results in the adoption of the good and bad characteristics which is adding on to your flaws. We always ought to re-evaluate the things we treasure at all times and see if they’re from God, or have created them to be our idols regardless?
Do not become worthless, but be more like God.
Written by Rue., 2017
Inspired by The Holy Spirit