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Allow me to SPEAK!

God has a lot to say sometimes, and at times he wants to speak through us to share a word to the people around us. He's searching for an available mouth asking if you could "Allow me to speak!".

Matthew 10:19 “… don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time”

20: For it is not you who will be speaking - it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you”

Really and truly this word is for myself, but it's open to encourage anybody else struggling the same trial of speaking with boldness.

Most of the time we worry about what we are to say to people and how to preach or talk to people about God, however in these verses it says that we should not worry about what we ought to say. I see myself in these verses that sometimes when God wants me to talk to someone, I think so much about what I’m ought to say instead of letting God speak through me. Most of the time we worry because we are thinking from a human point of view and not God’s view. That’s why we are instructed not to worry.

A lot of the time, God wants us to just approach and start speaking and he will do the rest. He just wants your mouth to open and he will do the rest. There is time to be silent and a time to speak. Sometimes God wants to use your mouth, so understand when it is that time to speak otherwise people are missing their blessing.

This is a message from God to myself because I got so used to listening and not talking. As much as listening is wise, talking when necessary is also wise. There’s power in silence as well as there is power in speech when it’s directed by God.

Mr Kufre also reminded me that, it may not make sense in your head and you don’t need to order it out at times, but just speak and the God will order his own word.

Allow your mouth to be used by God. Instead of using your mouth on just useless matters, let your speech bring life to the death surrounding you. Use your mouth to edify not destroy. When God wants to speak, allow him and spread the blessing. It’s not just you that needs the revelation of God, but also the people around you.

Be selfish not!

Written by Rue.,2018

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

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