Do you REALLY know your calling?
For a long time I was unaware that there was a such thing as a calling or 'purpose' to fulfil. I pretty much lived a life by the wind. It was until one day I then read this blog post about your calling and fulfilling a purpose and that's when I became confused. All I thought I had to do was work hard in school, get a good job, have a family and have fun in the mix. Boom. Done. From reading the blog post, I became so troubled and confused. I then decided to make my mind up to follow Jesus wholeheartedly so I can figure out this calling of mine. As I began seeking God through prayer, meditation of the word and practice of obedience, God began to reveal the first stages of my calling.
Before I understood much about calling, I thought it was just a fixed duty that I would have to do for the rest of my life but, actually, that's not the case. The deeper I sought for the calling the more I realised a calling is not just one thing but the impact you're required to make during your lifetime, being led by the Spirit of God.
A little background story:
I liked singing, like... In the shower? But I didn't believe I was good enough to be an "music artist" nor a "worshipper".
I began to attend a fellowship at my university. As I worshipped in the congregation, after a number of services, the choir leaders would approach asking me to join the choir because they can "see" that I'm a "worshipper". To be honest, most of the time I would laugh because they really thought that I, A WHOLE ME, would join a choir. Nope. Never.
The more I prayed and sought God, my spirit became more sensitive to his instructions and directions. I began to feel the urge to attend the choir rehearsals where it became disturbing and uncomfortable in my spirit when I didn't. So I began to attend the choir rehearsals and the second week as we are in prayer, God drops in my spirit "here's your answer". GUYS! When I tell you his presence overwhelmed me! He came and dropped the news and I broke out in tears. Not because I was sad, but because I was so happy with a combination of being overwhelmed.
When I then realised that God wants to use my voice, I thought to myself "Really God? Out of every talents you have blessed me with you chose the one I don't even necessarily believe I have?".
But that's what's funny about God. When I was seeking for my calling, my mind focused on art and dance because I knew I could do these two and I enjoyed them. So I assumed that my calling would be linked to my initial talents or passions, but never mind.
Fast-forwarding the story, now I'm a choir LEADER at my fellowship in university, I began to minister at different places outside of uni and God began to use me in many other different areas excluding the music ministry. I have grown confidence in worshipping musically as well worshipping in other ways. Joining the choir was just a platform to where I am and going. The more I seek God, I begin to realise it is not just the music ministry I am to focus on, but God has called me to do a lot of things. He used my situation to create a platform for where I am going.
Why I ask if you know your calling is because I've realised God likes, sometimes, using the things you feel like you either don't have or lack confidence in. The last thing I thought was be involved in the music ministry, but that's how God gets all the glory because it's only because of him I do what I do.
One of my favourite examples of this is Moses. Moses was a stutterer and God called HIM to lead the people of Israel? A stutterer? This is how you know God works outside human logic.
Scripture Time!
1Corinthians 1:27-29
27 Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. 28 God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. 29 As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God
The reason why God sometimes calls us to do things we initially failed to believe could do is so that we fulfil his purposes in humility. If our calling are linked to our talents and initial passions, it is easy for us to take the glory and the credit for any impact we may cause in Jesus' name. This is how pride can grow and may lead us to dismiss the power of God and the understanding that it was God that gave us these talents in the first place.
The purpose of this post is not to confuse you, but to not be confused when God chooses you for particular tasks. God's plans are for us to prosper and not to harm us. To give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Understand that your calling is something that grows into a desire and a strong passion. It won't feel like a burden but a desired duty.
Take time to focus on God and be led by his Spirit. When you are led by the Spirit, you are already fulfilling God's purposes for you. Some people may be unaware of their spiritual gifts and therefore frustrated because they may think they are not fulfilling their purpose. Being led by the Spirit is fulfilling God's purpose in itself, don't beat yourself up but continue seeking God and practise obedience and watch God work :)
Written by Rue.,2017
Inspired by The Holy Spirit
Image representation: The reaction when God calls me to do something I did not expect.
Remain blessed <3