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The Mind, Fear and Faith

For few years, I had struggled with fear. This had become my biggest blockage from connecting to God as well as my participation to His Kingdom. I feared all types of things in my lifetime; from fear of failure, spiders, people and even demons themselves (I went through a crazy illuminati research and that corrupted my mind LOL. Yeah if you're reading this, DON'T ever research such stuff. Focus on God. That's it). I became so consumed by the power of my obstacle instead of being consumed by the Power living inside of me.

Before I overcame fear, I had a dream where I had authority over my obstacles and through prayer, the obstacles lost power over me. From then, God spoke to me intensely and I will share with you the revelations I received.


One morning I wake up in fear and God drops in my Spirit "Fear comes from high focus on the obstacle's power and not enough on the power of God"

A wise man, a blessing to my life, Kufre then says; "As Romans 10:17 says 'faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.' Similarly Fear comes by hearing, hearing the word of the enemy."

Fear is the obstacle that disrupts the power of faith. Therefore, when overcoming fear we should aim to increase faith. And as faith comes by hearing, it comes by also understand what's being heard. It is the absence of fear that allows the will of God to be done.


Matthew 9:20-21

Just then a woman who had suffered for 12 years with constant bleeding came up behind him. She touched the fringe of his (Jesus’) robe for she thought, “If I can just touch his robe, I will healed”

This woman thought and believed that if she touched the robe of Jesus she will be healed.

She “thought”. Faith requires the wiring of thoughts. As faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God, hearing is an action that is to alter the thinking in the mind. Hearing the word of God is to alter our thoughts to focus on God. God's will is to save, heal, empower and strengthen our spirits. Fear aims to destroy our spirits and separate us from God so we don't prove nor perform his will.

Romans 12:2 - "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Our minds should be renewed to prove His will.

It all starts in the mind!

The reason why we should meditate on the word day and night is because that fixes our minds on God. Because God IS the word. By our minds fixed on Christ, our faith is strengthened.

Now don't get me wrong, there and then I find fear creeping in my life. I still face such trials, however the difference is that fear does not stay for too long because I now know how to overcome it. This is just a possible mechanism you're welcome to use.

Written By Rue., 2017

Inspired by The Holy Spirit

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